Taylor Swift FINISHED!
I have to say that this is the most fun I’ve has on a shoot in a very long time and everything went together PERFECTLY!!! It was almost as if things in this video were just mean to be and it all started with the perfect song by the lovely Taylor Swift!
We shot the piece over two days. The first was on location in Hendersonville at a new development with a lot of GREAT homes. We shot all of the interior and exteriors of the bedrooms as well as the morning footage where Band Geek Taylor gets to spend some heavenly time with Lucas Till on a park bench before Evil Cheerleader Taylor swoops in with her 2010 Mustang to tear them apart. Now, that said, I want to say that I don’t think all cheerleaders are evil . . . but the one in our video is. She’s kind of the girl we all loved to hate in High School, and we had a great time with her, and I think Taylor had a blast playing two very different roles. The weirdest part was that she really CHANGED once that wig went on. She walked differently. She spoke differently. She even had some fantastic new evil looks she’d toss around. It was GREAT!
The second day of shooting was a Pope John Paul II High School (also in Hendersonville), and I cannot say enough about the staff and kids there. They quite simply ROCKED! Fortunately for us, they were having their prom the night after we were shooting and the gym was already decorated floor to ceiling and we were able to use the setup for our video prom, and it could NOT have worked more perfectly. After we shot the prom, including a ton of JPH student extras, we moved out onto the football field where hundreds of people waited in the bleachers for a faux football game!
All of JPH’s cheerleaders and football players were on hand as well as their band and tons of extras. We simply could not have made this happen without all their help, and I BEYOND appreciate them for working with us and being so patient. The entire student body and everybody there was simply fantastic. Lucas caught a few passes and Taylor did a little cheerleading as well as a little band playing (with her real band) in the stands. Taylor and Lucas did some AMAZING acting in this piece and you can really feel the story playing out between their two characters from beginning to end.
Of course the crew kicked ass, everything went smoothly and we had a blast! I really loved working on this piece and appreciate everybody involved with it. It’s now playing on the tube, but if you want to check it out online you can find it on romanwhite.com or cmt.com! Thanks again everybody for all the hard work . . . I could NOT have done it without you!!!
Producers : Randy Brewer and Michelle Abnet
DP : Norman Bonney
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